FMP prodution

My inspiration comes from man-made and natural forms. Focusing on shapes and conditions found in machinery and nature, exploring flowers by 
    Using a combination of these two forms, I have created a subtle 
    surface pattern design that can be applied to a range of outcomes.

After such hard work, I finally presented my final pieces, and I am happy with the diversity of work performed.

Beautiful view of my space, for the end of year exhibition. The show will take place on Friday  19th June 2015 at 6 pm at The Manchester college Northenden room 104.
Gazing all my work from this perspective, I realized that  I could not achieve a successful outcome without patience; lots of dedication and effort really worth it. I had a beautiful journey with many ups and downs, but every moment was unique and special, so I am very proud of myself.

Experimenting with material and techniques using motifs of my pattern on beads and polyester thread stitched on the machine.


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